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Defining Creativity Podcast [August 16, 2022]
S1E7: A Mediator—Teacher of Mediation, Negotiation, Conflict
Management, and Creativity's Definition of Creativity with:
Louise Neilson
Louise Neilson is a mediator with a master's degree in creativity and innovation. She shares her extensive exploration of creativity and conflict styles, along with the parallels between mediation and creative problem solving using first hand examples from her considerable career. Louise has authored two books related to our creativity discussion:
"Mediating with Picasso: Relying on Your Inherent Creativity When You Need It Most"
"For me, creativity is a resilient and adaptive response to my environment."
—Louise Neilson
“There is the opportunity, on both sides…[for] gaining an understanding”
—Louise Neilson

Photo credit: Katherine Stansbury

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